
The Euro-BioImaging Industry Board is a platform for biological and biomedical imaging companies to communicate and collaborate with the wider Euro-BioImaging community with the goal of strengthening imaging research in Europe.

Working as a single, professional entity and supported by a dedicated coordinator, the Euro-BioImaging Industry Board proactively sets its own goals to drive the interaction between the imaging industry and the wider academic research environment for the benefit of European life science. The Board’s goals include:

  • Create a platform for industry-science cross collaboration
  • Strengthen communication with imaging technology users and imaging facilities, enabling timely understanding of users’ needs
  • Organise “one voice“ activities to the political community at the national and European level in order to increase bioimaging market
  • Stay up-to-date with the use of technology and software at Euro-BioImaging Nodes and needs of researchers
  • Cooperate with Euro-BioImaging Nodes on development and testing of novel technologies
  • Participate in Euro-BioImaging training activities

For more information visit the Euro-BioImaging Industry Board website

Training resources by industry

Companies in the imaging field that are represented on the Euro-BioImaging Industry Board are committed to providing the best support to imaging facility staff and instrument users. In addition to offering dedicated networking and training activities for Node staff in collaboration with Euro-BioImaging, they also permanently offer a wide range of freely available resources through their own digital channels.

The tables below present an overview over the different platforms for comprehensive training material and product information offered by our Board members from general principles to specific technologies and applications.


Available Content
Leica Science Lab: introductory articles, tutorials (light microscopy, EM, medical)
Articles and tutorials covering a wide range of microscopy technologies & lists of resources/links for further information according to topic
Leica on ResearchGate
Alternative access to Leica Science Lab
Leica YouTube channel
Videos covering training and marketing aspects
Leica and BiteSize Bio
free, registration required


Available Content
Basic and advanced materials, theory and application, free eBooks
Articles covering a large range of topics, detailed material on theoretical background, html5 tutorials
Dedicated offer on latest technologies by the European subsidiaries of Nikon
Webinars, articles, tutorials


Available Content
Resource center
Product related resources
Microscope resource center
Training resource on microscopy
Ask the experts
One-stop portal for life science microscopy queries (live & on-demand webinars, experts) - free, registration required
Video articles
Videos on different applications
Scientific articles
Open access scientific articles with an imaging focus

Thermo Fisher

Available Content
Basic introduction to EM
Web article
On demand videos
Video - free, registration required


Available Content
Online microscopy campus for light microscopy
Interactive tutorials and articles on principles
Microscopy Insights Hub
Discover and share on-demand webinars, how-to videos, and white papers for your field of application
Academy Microscopy
Explore our library of learning courses / videos and tutorials to select microscopy content that best fits to your needs instruments and Software
News about Microscopy at ZEISS
Stay up to date about new technologies, applications, and imaging methods
Microscopy Download Center
Get microscope software updates or hotfixes. You will be redirected to the ZEISS portal, your interface for downloading software
Microscopy Blog
Read articles highlighting application examples, events and interesting news from microscopy users
Microscopist Podcast
Revealing, entertaining, and personal meetings with the great microscopists of our time
Cloud-based Platform for Digital Image Processing and Data Analysis
Actual online and on-site Microscopy Courses, Training and Education
Schedule of training sessions on specific applications, microscope systems and software - free, registration required (some courses might incur a fee)

Fujifilm VisualSonics

Available Content
Summer school, bibliography, virtual training, virtual in vivo training
web resource, articles
Learning hub
Video tutorials for customers only - free, registration required

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