Cryo-sectionning and Immuno-Electron Microscopy Workshop - Utrecht

Date: 2022-06-12 to 2022-06-16

Our Correlative Light Microscopy Dutch Flagship Node is hosting two workshops in June: the Resin Electron Microscopy Workshop (8-10 June) and the Cryo-sectioning and Immuno- Electron Microscopy Workshop (13-16 June).

Cryo-sectioning and Immuno- Electron Microscopy Workshop

The 4 day workshop on Cryo-sectioning and Immuno- Electron Microscopy (EM) is meant for people willing to learn cryo-sectioning and Tokuyasu Technique for immune-EM. Experience in resin sectioning is not necessary, but is definitely an advantage. This workshop is hands-on in nature, although some topics will be also covered with lectures. The entire EM procedure from (live) specimen to imaging immuno-labeled ultrathin sections will be covered from start to finish.

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