Visualising Life - Interdisciplinary approaches in biology

Date: 2022-07-04 to 2022-07-15

EMBL’s Lautenschlaeger Summer School is back after a 2-year hiatus! The programme will introduce students with non-biology background to the dynamic interdisciplinary world of current biology research. It is specifically designed for Bachelor and Master students from Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science searching for a graduate-level program (e.g. Master or PhD).

The program’s aim is to provide insightful and hands-on experience in current biology methods, such as building a high-speed microscope to image developing organisms, and using machine learning to extract insightful data from the resulting complex images. EMBL group leaders and PhD students will lead theoretical lectures, complemented by experimental practicals and stimulating discussion rounds. In addition, the program offers a myriad of social activities that foster a collaborative spirit, which is a hallmark of research at EMBL.

Key topics include: Microscopy building, Imaging and Image Analysis.

More information:

Visualising Life - Interdisciplinary approaches in biology

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